Peanut Butter ‘Round the World

After a week’s hiatus due to a (snowy) spring break, we’re back! This week, I’d like to address a more serious issue—where else in the world does my precious PB exist? Does it? Are there replacements?

I spent a few weeks in Poland this past January. A few very long weeks, sans peanut butter. Nutella is great, don’t get me wrong. Chocolate-y, hazelnut-y, thick goodness. But it doesn’t rival my main spread.

So how does the rest of the world fare when it comes to what lies atop their toast? My research brought forth no great forum of debate or sound state of communication, but one solid Yahoo! Answers post did draw some attention to this topic.


PB Presence? Yes, but it’s not as common as Nutella. When the Brits pick their peanut butter, they pair it with jelly. France and Spain don’t see the prevalence quite as much, but the hazelnut version is a breakfast staple.


black cat peanut butterPB Presence? One responder claimed yes, a South African brand called “Black Cat.” Nutella is an import, but still available. They also vouched for peanut butter’s place on store shelves in Dubai, where they lived previously. Peanut butter cookies are also common as a sweet treat in South Africa. Maybe they should take a look at my spring break bake post…just a thought.


PB Presence? Oh, yes! With many brands and varieties to choose from (even tasty almond butter and organic varieties!), it seems I could happily relocate down under without withdrawal. I’ll keep that in mind when I graduate, mate.


PB Presence: From the beginning. Let’s not forget our friends to the north, who can stake a claim to fame for the invention of peanut butter. Oh Canada, I owe you my gratitude. The maple leaf may be your symbol, but the jar of JIF will be your legacy.